NATURA Download-Album


„NATURA“ Download-Album (24bit 44.1KHz WAV & MP3)

I love nature and I love its diversity.

Walks in the different seasons through the woods, across meadows and up mountains with breathtaking views always help to clear the mind and make room for new musical ideas, which take shape even while staying in nature. Later on, back in the studio, when it is time to transfer ideas from the head into reality, to make them audible, to make them tangible, they continue to develop, change, or sometimes take unexpected paths, but their origin remains the same - nature. I have allowed myself the luxury of making this music exactly the way I want it to be, regardless of the genre it belongs to or the target group it might be aimed at. I would like to close my eyes while listening to this music and get involved with the pictures, or the film, or simply the mood that the music projects into my imagination. Of course, everyone will have different images and ideas, but I hope that others besides myself will enjoy using this music to inspire their imagination.
Später dann, zurück im Studio, wenn es darum geht die Ideen aus dem Kopf in die Realität zu übertragen, sie hörbar, erlebbar zu machen, entwickeln sich diese weiter, verändern sich, oder gehen mitunter ungeahnte Wege, aber ihr Ursprung bleibt immer gleich – die Natur.
Ich habe mir den Luxus erlaubt diese Musik genau so zu gestalten, wie ich sie mir wünsche, ungeachtet dessen in welches Genre man sie einordnen kann, oder welcher Zielgruppe sie entsprechen könnte. Ich möchte beim Hören dieser Musik die Augen schließen und mich einlassen auf die Bilder, oder den Film, oder einfach die Stimmung, die die Musik mir in meine Vorstellung projeziert.

Natürlich werden das bei jedem andere Bilder und Vorstellungen sein, aber ich hoffe, dass neben mir auch andere Gefallen daran finden mit dieser Musik ihre Fantasie zu beflügeln.


I love nature and I love its diversity.
Walks at different times of the year through the forest, over meadows and on mountains with breathtaking views always help to clear my head and make room for new musical ideas, which take more and more shape while I am still in nature.
Later, back in the studio, when it comes to transfer the ideas from the head into reality, to make them audible, experienceable, these develop further, change, or sometimes go unexpected ways, but their origin always remains the same – nature.
I have allowed myself the luxury of creating this music exactly the way I want it to be, regardless of what genre it might be classified in, or what target audience it might suit. When listening to this music, I want to close my eyes and get involved with the images, or the film, or simply the mood that the music projects into my imagination.
Of course, these will be different images and ideas for everyone, but I hope that others besides me will enjoy this music to inspire their imagination.